Shoreline defenders are used to random raids from the sea. normally - these assaults are often haphazard attack by pirates. but when the kraken banner rises from beyond the horizon - they prepare
for a different level of destructi?n altogether. these blacktyde chosen are well - trained and well - equipped with heavy armor and master - crafted axes. in battle - they rapidly form their ranks and sweep a
path clear through any defences or defenders that stand in their way. they are not like regular raiders in that they do not take any spoils from those they defeat - leaving it to other house greyjoy units.
when the blacktyde chosen hit the beach like a wave - its the beach that gives way.
12 miniatures: 1 blacktyde chosen bannerman - 11 blacktyde chosen: 1 unit card - 1 movement tray
t?tulo chyf: elegidos de blacktyde
referencia eecmsi122
fecha de lanzamiento 14 - 10 - 2022
editorial cmon
categor?a juego de miniaturas
colecci?n canci?n de hielo y fuego
idioma espa?ol - alem?n - ingl?s - franc?s
edad m?nima recomendada 14 a?os
duraci?n 60'
n?mero de jugadores 2 o +